
The face shield is a popular piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) that offers a barrier for the facial structures, particularly the eyes, against contact with droplets, aerosols and splashes generated during patient’s treatment. Although this device does not provide total isolation of the facial structures, it does offer a convenient and effective means of barrier against contact with direct head-on projections of fluid contaminants generated in various procedures.


The IRC Face Shield covers wide areas of the face. Comfortable and secure wearing is offered by its light weight and elastic headband. The superior transparency of the facial visor enables clear vision of the operative field. It does not fog up during use.

Instructions for use:

For optimal personal protection, the IRC Face Shield should be used together with the face mask and protective cap.
 It is sleeved over the head with the head cushion positioned over the forehead just above the eyebrows and the elastic headband above the occiput. Its position should be properly adjusted so that the facial visor stays vertically when the head is in the upright position for optimal barrier effect.
 Allowing the facial visor to tilt upward is a very common and serious mistake in application which should be avoided. In this position, the barrier effect is greatly diminished because it allows free entry of contaminants from below the facial visor.


1) https://irchk.co/irc-faceshield-ppe-face-shield/